Guidlines for Authors

Poster Presentation Guidelines :

The Size of poster in poster presentation should be 2.5ft X 2ft in size.

Paper Submission Guidelines :

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the IEEE WAMS 2024 Conference Proceedings and for presentation at the conference to be held at Raghu Engineering Institutions, Vishakapatnam, India during  29 February – 03 March 2023 Please note that IEEE WAMS 2024 will follow a rigorous review process. All submitted papers will be first checked for similarity using a professional Plagiarism Checking Tool. Followed by this, the paper will be reviewed by a minimum of two subject experts. The decision of selection of a paper will be based on several criteria including quality, novelty, language, and presentation. While submitting the paper, please follow the guidelines mentioned below:
  1. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under review for any other publication.
  2. Submit your paper in PDF format.
  3. The LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats can be used to write technical papers and are found at:
  4. All references must follow the IEEE format of referencing
  5. Limit your paper strictly to five pages. Papers exceeding page limits will not be accepted.
  6. The names of the authors cannot be added or removed at a later stage.
  7. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
  8. The document should not have any password protection.
  9. Do not put your own page numbers on the manuscript.
  10. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign an IEEE copyright release form and present their paper(s) at the conference.

IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference :

IEEE conference templates contain guidance text for composing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all guidance text is removed from your conference paper prior to submission to the conference. 

Microsoft Word –   US letter ,   A4

LaTeX Template Instructions
