Student Paper Contest

Bachelors, Masters or PhD students who are working under any recognized institution (India or abroad) in Wireless, Antennas and Microwave Engineering can apply. The selected applicants need to register and present their work at WAMS 2024. Travel support will be provided to selected eligible candidates on request (for train/bus travel within India). The presentation and quality of work will be evaluated by expert judges. Winner and runner-up in each category (Bachelors, Masters & Ph D) will be announced during the awards banquet ceremony. Each award includes a cash prize, a plaque and a certificate.


  • Applicants need to submit a 2-4 page summary of their research project. Papers submitted to WAMS are only considered as entries to the competition. Student applicant shall be the first author of the submitted paper.
  • In addition, 1-page CV should also be prepared including your institution, course of study and advisor name and email id
  • Mail the summary/submitted paper and CV to with subject (Student Paper Contest).

Young Professionals Excellence Award

Young professionals below the age of 40, and in the initial stage of their career in academic/industrial research are eligible to apply. The shortlisted candidates need to register and present their recent research work in a special session at WAMS 2024. The presentation, quality of work and the research quality will be evaluated by the experts, and the Young Professionals Excellence Award will be announced during the awards banquet ceremony. The award includes a cash prize, a plaque and a certificate.


  • Please submit the following documents to with the subject ‘Young Professionals Excellence Award ’-
  1. 2-page CV listing the current and previous professional roles
  2. List of publications
  3. 1-page Current research summary

For more Details Contact